Saturday, February 22, 2014

Some how... Some how break just seemed to fly on by. It's already Saturday the 22! How the heck did that happen?! Anyhow, I guess I'll tell about what I did for break. On Friday, I was feeling sick during lunch and decided to go home, only to miss the flamenco dancing I was really looking forward to. When I got home, I slept for 2 hours, which is very unlike me. What a way to spend February 14! At least I wasn't sick for the rest of the week. On Saturday my sister, my mom and I went to Edisto Beach, SC with our puppy. There was a Euro Van meet-up at our camp ground, so we fit right in with our pop-top! For the rest of the week all I really did was go to gymnastics, eat, sleep, dog walk, dog pamper, play with legos, go to Ikea for a new den couch, eat 3 times at Souper Jenny's, read my new favorite web comic, Ava's Demon*, watch How I Met Your Mother and more and more; I guess that actually is a lot:) Ooh, I just remembered I have a meet tomorrow! I really hope my volt improves some more.

*Link to Ava's Demon:

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

No School?!

      I have absolutely no idea why they cancelled school in the perfectly dry road weather. There was just no point. But I do get why they cancelled today. Until 2 there is a "Wintery Mix", not sure why The Weather channel didn't just put sleet and snow, from 3-5 "Frozen Rain", again, I'm not so sure why they couldn't have called it hail or sleet, "Wintery Mix" from 6-7, 8-5 "Snow", based on what they were calling things earlier, I would think they'd call it fluffy, frozen, rain or even frozen rain shavings. You'd think they would read Precipitation for Dummies at least once in their life.
       My mom, my dad and I made a bet when the call would come from the school today saying it is cancelled. My dad says the time from yesterday, 5:13 pm, my mom says before all the power lines go out, 3:00 pm and I say 4:00 pm for some random reason.